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We offer auto, home and commerical locksmith services.

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United Locksmith

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United Locksmith offers a variety of automotive locksmith services, including car keys replacement and car lockout services. Our team of technicians work with all manner of vehicles, so you can rest assured that we have a locksmith for your automobile.


House lockouts and lock changes are best left to a residential locksmith. With professional locksmith services, you can be sure you and your home are safe. Our knowledgeable staff will help navigate all available options to find the right service for your home.


When you need locksmith services for your office, business, or storefront, call the best commercial locksmith around. United Locksmith's staff of experienced technicians can install, repair, or open commercial-grade locks. Get new keys & locks for your office!


Our team of trained emergency locksmiths can travel to your location at a moment's notice. With fast arrival times, day or night, United Locksmith is only minutes away. If you are locked out, need new keys, or any other emergency locksmith service, call now.

Need a locksmith?

Call us: (866) 338-9997