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Lock Blog

A resource for consumers, locksmiths, and security professionals

Where To Get A Car Key Replacement: Best Options

by Wesley December 5, 2022

Where to get a car key replacement? That’s an important question that needs to be answered because it could mean the difference between getting yourself out of a challenging situation or being stranded without a plan. United Locksmith assists with preparing you for these circumstances, and we start by answering, where to get a car key replacement?

You need someone reliable who you can trust to deliver car key replacement under pressure because the stakes are monumental. Very few people are helpful in these situations on where to get a car key replacement, but professional locksmiths are the exception. Anything you could possibly need is within the skill set of a seasoned technician.

The sign of a talented automotive locksmith is the ability to conduct multiple roadside services with a swift pace and precision. It’s absolutely necessary to have these characteristics because where to get a car key replacement depends on the circumstances. Not everyone has the option to take their vehicle into an auto body shop or visit their local car dealership.

Events unfold quickly on the road, and you may need locksmith services immediately. United provides fast, mobile assistance to drivers in desperate situations while mastering a wide range of procedures, from key fob replacement to car door lock repair. It’s by far the best option because when you’re wondering where to get a car key replacement, a locksmith can deliver on the three main advantages.

  1. Speed
  2. Reliability 
  3. Equipment

Where to get a car key replacement involves more than three components, but these characteristics are very important and will lead you toward choosing the right company. Before we dissect those attributes, let’s answer a few underlying questions to get us started with some background information on where to get a car key replacement.


How can I get a key made for my car without a key?

Yes! United’s highly trained team of locksmiths can make a new car key without the original. There are a few ways to accomplish this feat. First, if you have an older vehicle, the technician can physically cut a new key based on your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Once we can verify you’re the owner of the car, that gives us the green light to start cutting you a new key!

We’re fully equipped to work with modern and luxury cars as well. We’ll be discussing more of this in detail later on, but United has the ability to execute transponder key programming and key fob replacement. Troubleshooting the deficiencies of modern technology is a problem our customers face regularly, which is why we’re here to help!

Can I get a key made from the VIN number?

Every car is assigned a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) when it’s manufactured so it can be easily identified. Your VIN matters when setting up your vehicle registration, auto insurance policy, and warranty program. This unique number also allows authorities to track down your vehicle if it’s stolen. Because your state has the number filed in its system, law enforcement officers have access to the information.

When it comes to where to get a car key replacement, VINs are useful for making a new key. A locksmith can look up the number and make a brand-new key. It doesn’t matter if you lost your key or don’t have a spare. We’ve already done our homework on the backend by investing in an exclusive program that gives our locksmiths access to state vehicle information.

What happens if you lose your car keys and have no spare?

Your best option in this scenario will be to call an automotive locksmith because they can act quickly to find a solution. It doesn’t matter if you have an older vehicle or a new car. Auto locksmiths have the skills and tools necessary to provide assistance. We’ve already talked a little bit about the services offered by United, but the full list is even longer!

An ignition cylinder replacement is another one of our troubleshooting methods. Sometimes the problem isn’t just your car keys. There could be an issue inside the ignition, and our locksmiths are qualified to go in there and fix it. Perhaps your car needs an ignition rekey or something else you’re not thinking about. Whatever the problem is, United can remedy the situation!

Can I claim lost car keys on my insurance?

Auto insurance policies contain many different circumstances. Some of them are fully covered, while others may ask you to pay out of pocket. Nobody expects you as the driver to know every detail of your auto insurance policy. That’s why United promises fair and reasonable pricing on all of our automotive services, especially from where to get a car key replacement.

You may not know if car insurance covers locksmith services in the heat of the moment. Everything is happening fast, and there’s not enough time to double-check. United understands the stress and anxiety going through your head. We offer affordable prices for the benefit of our customers. And if your insurance covers the cost, file a claim as soon as possible and begin that process!

1. Speed

The old saying tells us, “patience is a virtue.” But for locksmiths, we’re graded on speed and efficiency. Most of the time, when United is fielding calls about where to get a car key replacement, the situation requires an accelerated response. Maybe you’re on your way to work in the morning, and your car keys unexpectedly malfunction. It happens all the time.

In these types of situations, you need locksmith services quickly. Well, nobody produces faster response times than United Locksmith because we built a professional network of employees ready to perform mobile locksmith services. What this does is allow our technicians to reach everyone within our service area in 20 to 30 minutes.

The time of day and the number of calls received causes some variance in response time, but generally, our locksmiths can travel anywhere in our area within 30 minutes. A lot of customers are surprised when we arrive because they don’t expect someone to get there so quickly. For some reason, the locksmith industry has this perception of being archaic.

United Locksmith is anything but outdated. We’ve engineered our system to perform at a high-level because we stay ahead of modern trends and equip our locksmiths with the latest technology. This subsequently boosts efficiency in our processes and makes our whole operation run smoothly. But when deciding where to get a car key replacement, you have to make sure speed isn’t being sacrificed for quality.

2. Reliability

When asking yourself where to get a car key replacement, trustworthiness and reliability are constant sticking points. Whether you’re seeking it out or it is subconsciously on your mind, trust matters. Arriving at your location quickly doesn’t mean much if your locksmith comes unprepared. Every part of the process has to work in unison for guaranteed results.

Automotive locksmiths are the most capable professionals to handle where to get a car key replacement because of all the services they perform. Did you lose your keys and have to find out where to get a car key replacement? No problem! Are you experiencing a car lockout on the side of a busy highway in the midst of rush-hour traffic? United has you covered!

Where to get a car key replacement should be calculated by how much the company you hire can adjust to your individual needs. For example, not all locksmiths are proficient in trunk lockout services. United prides itself on being ready for anything because we want people to rely on us to provide help when it matters most. Where to get a car key replacement is a situation we’re primed to take on.

3. Equipment

Sometimes a trained professional is only as good as the tools and equipment around them. In United Locksmith’s case, we have both the craftsmanship and the appropriate gear. Every couple of weeks, our technicians are responsible for assessing their inventory and checking if they have the right number of tools and machinery.

Companies that don’t self-assess their inventory and update their materials on a consistent basis will quickly find themselves falling behind. Where to get a car key replacement then becomes an easier choice because the pool of qualified companies is smaller. United fits perfectly into the qualified category because we prioritize new ways of adapting.

Restocking your inventory and modernizing your equipment don’t account for everything a company needs to improve. Software advancements are also a critical component of growth and development. United is always looking for new ways to progress into the future, and we’ve found that automating our systems and the ability to embrace technology is the correct strategy.

Closing Advice

Where to get a car key replacement depends on multiple factors, but the three most important components are speed, reliability, and equipment. A company that doesn’t meet your expectations in all three categories shouldn’t be considered to handle your vehicle. In order to truly trust where to get a car key replacement, you have to be certain the job will get done.

United Locksmith has a proven track record of success in assisting drivers who are experiencing stressful, frustrating situations. Where to get a car key replacement is an easy question to answer when you pick up the phone and contact United Locksmith. We’re committed to providing quality service to our customers because we enjoy helping people.

Category: Automotive, Car Keys

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