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Remote Start Not Working? 10 Easy Fixes To Start Your Car Remotely

by Ralph March 31, 2021

Your remote start not working may be a symptom of a more severe problem. That is why it is important to figure out why your remote start stopped working, even if it is not a feature you commonly use. There are many reasons the remote start on your car doesn’t work, but if something is wrong with your car remote, vehicle sensors, or the car itself, you need to fix it.

More and more modern cars are being designed with a remote start feature, and even third-party manufacturers have products that will enable you to start your car remotely. As a result, the number of car owners experiencing an issue with the remote start not working has been on the rise. So it is time to educate the public on this issue so the security, functionality, and safety of your vehicle are not compromised by your remote start not working.

Advice for your remote start not working:

  1. Put Your Car In Park
  2. Turn Car On And Off Again
  3. Close Your Hood
  4. Turn Off Hazard Lights
  5. Reprogram Your Remote
  6. Check Remote Instructions
  7. Fix Your Car Key Remote
  8. Address The Check Engine Light
  9. Check Your Gauges
  10. Call A Locksmith


Why would my remote start stop working?

The three most common reasons a remote start won’t work are the car key remote breaking, trouble with the car’s onboard computer, or safety sensors instructing your car not to start remotely. Begin your remote car starter troubleshooting by checking dashboard engine issue indicator displays, then make sure your remote is still functioning.

How do I rest my remote car starter?

There are two major resets for car remotes: the initial pairing between a remote and shifting the remote into second car mode. If you replaced your lost or stolen car keys, then you likely need the initial programming information. Once a remote has been fully paired with a car, it cannot be re-paired to another vehicle (unless it has a second car mode). If you have mistakenly shifted the car key remote into second car mode, there will be instructions in your user manual on how to change it back.

What do I do if my remote start lights flash but won’t start?

If your remote is visibly registering commands and the remote start won’t work, then there is likely an issue with the safety sensors or the vehicle’s onboard computer. It will pay to double-check that this is not a user error such as using the wrong sequence or changing the remote to a second vehicle function.

How much does it cost to fix a remote car starter?

The price will vary depending on why the remote start won’t work. For example, if the check engine light is on the remote start won’t work, and the price of fixing the remote car starter will be the price of fixing your engine trouble. More than likely you will have to consider the costs of duplicating a car key, as a new remote can often solve the issue of a remote start not working.

Why is my remote start not working after a battery change?

On some vehicles, the paired electronics will reset after a battery dies or is removed. This is due to the car’s onboard computer being programmed to revert to factory settings after losing power. Even the spare car remote you have for troubleshooting will not work when your remote start won’t work after a battery change. 

How do I know if my car has a remote start feature?

The first place to check is the car key remote itself. Many modern key fobs have a specific button for the remote start. If you do not see this button, you can check your owner manual and look for “remote start”. This may be a sequence of pressing or holding buttons on the remote. If you find that your vehicle has a remote start that isn’t functioning, troubleshoot your car key remote.

1. Put Your Car In Park

Some drivers can get in the habit of engaging the emergency brake and not putting the car in park. If you or the last person to drive your car has done this, that is the reason your remote start doesn’t work. As a safety precaution, a car will not remotely start if it is not in park. If this is not a habit of yours or those around you, it may simply have been an oversight. Drivers can misshift, or bump the shifter unknowingly. It could also be that the car did properly shift into park, though it may appear as if it did. Open your car, put it in park, and try the remote start again.

2. Turn Car On And Off Again

The classic advice for fixing malfunctioning electronics is to turn them on and off again, and this too can fix your remote start not working. This is not some urban legend or superstition, it has to do with returning a program to its stable state. The layman’s explanation is that a program remembers user interactions and events, and the remembered information is referred to as the state of the system. Turning the car off and on will reset the software so that everything is in the same state the system is most tested in and therefore the most stable state. If you cannot turn on your car normally, you may need an ignition cylinder replacement or an ignition switch replacement.

3. Close Your Hood

Remote start doesn’t work when the hood is open so that the car does not start while the engine is being serviced. Make sure that the hood is not open by opening it and closing it again. When you are closing the hood, let it fall the last few inches so that the weight brings it down with enough force to latch shut. If you are sure that the hood is properly closed, there could still be something wrong with the hood pin. It may be corroded or broken and be improperly signaling whether it is closed or not. Use your remote start not working as a reason to check on your hood pin.

4. Turn Off Hazard Lights

As a safety feature, the remote start won’t work when the hazard lights are on. It is the least likely reason for a remote start not working, but it is worth investigating. As long as your lights are working, it should be very apparent whether or not this is the case. If your hazard lights are not on, turn them on to see if they work. Once you know your hazard lights work and aren’t on, take solace in the fact that is not the reason for the remote start not working.

5. Reprogram Your Remote

car key programming

Remotes can become deprogrammed from a battery change or a battery dying. Your remote start not working after a problem with your battery is normal. Many vehicles reset their paired devices after a battery issue. However, you may have trouble getting your remote to re-pair to the onboard computer. You can find the method for programming your remote to your make and model online. If the device is not pairing, you should replace your car key remote. Most remotes can only be programmed once, and it may be impossible to program them again.

6. Check Remote Instructions

It is important to double-check that you are using the correct button sequence for the remote start. For example, are you pressing the button instead of holding it, or vise versa? Understand what you are supposed to be doing and double-check you are doing it by having someone else try the remote. Another possibility is that you have pressed a sequence of buttons, and changed the functionality of the remote. For example, some remotes have a second car mode that allows the remote to start to work on another vehicle.

7. Fix Your Car Key Remote

If the problem lies with your remote, the best place to start is changing the batteries. Dead or dying batteries are the most common reasons for any unreliable remote function. Open your remote, and you will find the battery type engraved on the metal. For most major car brands, you will be able to find replacement batteries at auto parts stores or even big box stores such as Target, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. When a battery change does not fix a remote start not working, look into your options for buying a new smart key

8. Address The Check Engine Light

On many cars, the remote start won’t work if your check engine light is on. The remote start not working is a precaution similar to the open hood override. The idea is that the engine should never be started accidentally if any servicing is required. If components have been removed from the engine block, or a technician has their hand inside the assembly, an accidental remote start could be devastating. Make sure that your vehicle is running smoothly before you attempt to start it remotely.

9. Check Your Gauges

Look to see if your oil pressure is too low or coolant temperature is too high. If your display readouts show these types of abnormalities, then the remote start won’t work. As you may be noticing by now, the remote start has extensive safeguards to prevent engine damage, and this is an extension of that trend. Make sure you let your car cool down before attempting another remote start. If it is obvious that these instruments are misreporting these issues, then you will need to fix your gauges before the remote start will work.

10. Call A Locksmith

Whether you are looking to replace your key fob or need assistance troubleshooting the issue with your key, a locksmith is a wonderful resource when your remote start won’t work. Consulting a professional is one of the best ways to make sure the work is done correctly the first time. If you are seeking to reduce the cost of replacing a key fob, there is no better way than to take care of the issue in one fell swoop than by calling a locksmith. A mobile locksmith will even be able to come directly to your location and find the solution for your remote start not working.

Closing Words

When something doesn’t work on a car, you leave yourself vulnerable to property damage, theft, and personal injury. In the case of your remote start not working, your vehicle may be attempting to communicate that there is a larger issue with the car. It doesn’t matter if you are using aftermarket electronic keys or aftermarket remote start assemblies, everything needs to be in working order. To help with your remote car starter troubleshooting and getting the problem fixed, reach out to United Locksmith. Get the service you need from experienced professionals

Category: Automotive, Car Keys

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